
August 2023

Instead of doing a post each month about a random topic, I figured it’d be easier for me to just do one each month based on all the things I’ve done during the month. I was inspired to do this by Adam Le Doux does his blog.

I usually accomplish a couple of things a month anyways, so it seemed fit.


At the beginning of August, I finally put in the time to update my fungi adopts with 6 new additions. It only took me 6 months to update it, but that’s life.

I also added some funky-looking fonts to the main site and a RSS feed update system.


On the 25th, I opened up my first ever webring, Void.Shrooms. It’s for people who’re into dark aesthetics and also like fungi. So far, I’ve gotten zero new members, but that’s alright. It’s a little niche. I know there’s an audience out there somewhere, though. I won’t let it get me down.


I did the majority of the reworking and coding needed for RefMine during 32-Bit Cafe’s Community Code Jam #2. The theme was “character”, so I figured it was a good excuse to work on an old project.

All RefMine needs now is a few tweaks, new example pages, a new website look, a repo reorganization, and a written tutorial. I hope to finish and publish the official 1st version of RefMine before the end of September.


I’ve also invested in creating a TinyLetter newsletter. I’m really bad at posting stuff on social media and marketing in general. Most days, I can’t be bothered to even post about my projects on more than one place. Some of the communities I’m in oftentimes denounce social media as well. I figure (and hope) that posting to a newsletter will be a better option for me at the moment. I want to make my newsletter and this blog consistent sources of information about my projects. I want to be disciplined enough to do this at least once a month.

Anyways, my first letter should go up right after this blog is posted. There’s no one but myself subscribed to it right now.

Trans Game Dev: Return of the Game Jam

On August 12th, Sam Lovstad and I published and submitted Get Home to TGD’s Return of the Game Jam. It’s a fairly short visual novel about getting home through a forest.

I did the programming and art. I’m honestly really happy about how the visuals turned out. I had to do multiple backgrounds for this. Those are not my strong suits. I’m glad to get more practice under my belt.


I recently bought a new BJD from SapientDreams off of Etsy. She’s a Pheodee and is 3D printed in resin.

Front pic of my doll.
A close up of the doll's face.
A little close up.
Back pic of doll.

I’ve yet to name her, but I did pick out fabric I think will look nice on her. I hope to design and make her clothing soon.

Speaking of clothing, I’ve yet to make my first BJD’s main outfit (I haven’t named them yet either 🙃), but I have made a concept drawing of what I plan it to look like and have also gathered the materials needed for it.

First BJD's jester outfit concept.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t done any sewing though; I’ve made bodice block and pants block patterns for them and have sewed tests of them together. That’s what they’re currently wearing. (I don’t have a picture of this, sorry.)

Decorating my AlphaSmart

I bought stickers on Etsy to decorate my AlphaSmart with. I thought it looked too plain and wanted it to be noticeably mine since I brought it to my dorm with me.

A close up of an AlphaSmart Neo 2 with stickers of teeth, Discord, and Fluttershy on it.
A picture of my AlphaSmart Neo 2.

The Discord and Fluttershy stickers are from alexbeeza, while the teeth are from PaperHaunt.

Also, I have still been using my AlphaSmart. Heck, I’m writing this post on it right now. So far, I’m enjoying using it for longer writings. Even when my computer’s open next to me, it does help me not get too distracted. Plus, I feel like I generally type faster on this. It’s a nice size and is easier to put at different angles, unlike my laptop. It’s really light.

I’ve been able to get NEO Manager on my laptop to delete all the unneeded educational Applets off of it and to add more fonts to it. Overall, a 5 out of 5 stars experience.


Last but certainly not least, I’ve begun my 3rd semester of college. It’s going to be a busy one, but hey, that’s college for you. I probably won’t be able to work on as many personal projects as desired in these upcoming months, but that’s alright.